Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Why College?!?

The job of a nurse anesthetist!
Everyone wonders why college. I was even wondering during my freshman year of high school. I quickly realized with the economy and how hard it is to get a job, having a college degree is important. Not only do you receive better pay but you also have a better chance at getting the job or any promotions that later come. I want to become a nurse anesthetist. In order to accomplish that goal I must have my BSN and then go further into my education by enrolling in a nurse-anesthesia program for another two years. I prayed about where God wanted me to go and whether or not I needed to be going to college when I was a freshman. I received the answer about me needing to go when he put on my heart what I should pursue a career in but still wasn't sure where. I decided to come to JSU because it was close to home, I had a better scholarship than any other colleges I was looking at and I had the BCM I could go to and stay strong in my beliefs. I wanted to further my education and learn more. I learned a lot in high school but I knew what i didn't truly grasp there I would in college. My history class for example, I hated the old civilization courses I had to take in high school. My history class was boring and I didn't see the point in learning about the old empires; I felt American history was important because it shows how all the things we have here came to be and whats going on now. Now that I can actually stay awake in history class, I realize those empires were important because they are the basis that our country came off of and they had the same issues we do so we should learn from them. I'm excited to be in college because i'm starting out as an adult but I have so many people on campus I can go to for mentoring and advice. I mainly came for my education but I also came to be apart of something and know I'm trying to accomplish something truly important to me and my family. My parents are excited that I came to college and they want more than anything for me to succeed. I'm making a difference not only in my life but also my family's and hopefully one day the patients I help while being a nurse anesthetist. I know that college is required to pursuing my potential career but the college experience alone is worth coming for. I will probably meet future co-workers, best-friends, and great mentors along the way!


  1. I think it's really cool that you want to be a nurse anesthetist! That's a really great job if you're looking at wanting to help people.

  2. The reasons that you wanted to go to college are completely respectable. I like that you are following your dreams and doing something that you actually want to do. That is huge in looking for a career, actually doing something that you enjoy. Do what you love and you'll never have to work.

  3. Being a college graduate is a positive variable in the emplyment world. But, just because you have a degree does not always true. A college degree allows for the recipient to have a better opprotunity to recieve a job that requires less physical labor. I still agreee with your thoughts and ideas and I respect those who are going into the medical profession, because thoey do things that I know that I couldn't. I hope that you are very successful and would like to wish you luck with all that you do.

  4. I think that your essay was wonderful. All of your points are expressed really well and it is very organized and easy to follow. It also held my attention and I can really understand where you`re coming from. I agree that college is almost necessary now, especially if you want a high paying job. I also love the fact that you found a place where you felt comfortable getting involved with people who believe the same way you do. I wish you the best of luck in your future career and all the other aspects of your future.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I am so proud that you are involved with the BCM. I am a Christian, as well, and I would love to get more involved with people who share the same beliefs as I do. I think that it is awesome that you want to be a nurse anesthetist. I have a friend who is attending Auburn University to do the same thing. It's a great field with many benefits. (Not to mention the awesome salary.) I wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors.
