Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Ever heard the saying all good things must come to an end? Well, that’s what the end of this English 101 class feels like. Before this class, I knew about social media. Social media was a part of my everyday life. What I didn’t know was about all the kinds of social media. I used facebook and twitter but I never thought to start my own blog. I knew some facebook friends who had blogs. I always felt like I didn’t have enough to write about to start a blog. I figured you had to be married, had children, or using it for work. Needless to say, I’m not married, I have no children, and I currently do not have a job. This class taught me blogs were for everyone. I didn’t have to be a nurse or married with three kids. As I read different blogs, I learned I could just tell how my day went and people would listen. I’m thankful Mrs. Sasser asked questions for the class to post about. If she hadn’t given us topics, I would have rambled about my everyday struggle as a college student. Thank her next time you see her! I never thought blogs would improve my writing because it is social media and a casual thing that everyone does online. I was wrong! My writing has greatly improved.

If I had to choose my best written blog, it would be my revised blog. Looking at the original, I have made many adjustments. For instance, my revised blog has paragraphs. The original was written at the beginning of the semester. I didn’t really know why I chose to come to college. I knew I came for my career, but I didn’t know all the other opportunities that college offered. For my revised blog, I had the experience of college. I already figured out the pros and cons to attending Jacksonville State. I went to the writing clinic for this particular blog. I was shown how to fully develop my sentences. I have a habit of getting in a rush and leaving necessary words out on my sentence. In this last blog, I took everything I learned and applied it to my blog. I developed my paragraphs, made complete sentences, had good punctuation, and proofread my blog. Looking at this blog compared to my very first one, I have made tremendous improvement.

My favorite blog to write was on an essay from Share or Die. My essay was “Heartbeats and Hashtags”. I enjoyed writing this one because I felt the importance of it. The essay used social media to raise awareness about a good cause. When writing this I felt like a writer should. I didn’t stop to think of what I would say; my words just poured out into my blog. I felt passionate about raising awareness to use social media in a useful way. I wanted to write this post. I felt like this post wasn’t just about me and a grade. If someone reads my blog, they could be encouraged to use social media to benefit the lives of our people. For all I know, a person could raise 40,000 dollars for breast cancer by social media. What if they got the encouragement to start that fundraiser from reading my blog post? That is the difference I want to make. Not only did I make a difference, I developed a well written blog. I developed good paragraphs. I separated my topics better than normal and didn’t ramble on. I have a habit of switching subjects and I’m proud to say I didn’t in this post. This is where it finally sunk in my head that I had to improve. I believe I accomplished that. Since I felt this blog was on an important matter, I tried harder. I spent much more time writing this and I proofread. I’m very proud of this blog and the things I learned from it.

I didn’t start greatly improving my writing until the last few blog posts. My first two didn’t even have paragraphs. I found it hard to answer the questions being asked. I had never given why I came to college much thought. I never knew how many people graduate college and are still unemployed. I just knew that my career choice demanded a bachelor’s degree in nursing. I really had to dig deep to get the answers for my blog posts. I felt like it slightly hindered my writing because I had come to the realization how tough college will be. I was thinking is it worth it? My mind was filled with so much; it was hard to concentrate on just one question. On my slow improvement journey, I published “Is College Really Good Enough”. This post does have well developed paragraphs and good punctuation. I had not yet learned to not jump around in my paragraphs. I liked this post because I was interested in the question. I had to examine all the pros and cons to college, and decide if it was worth going in debt for. This post really made me brainstorm. This was the first post I wrote in Microsoft Word. I knew my previous posts were pretty much crap and I wanted this one to be better. I wrote the post as a rough draft, proofread it, and then published a pretty good learner’s blog. It was by far not my best one, but it was the beginning to improvement. Thank you Mrs. Sasser for teaching me how to be more effective in the social media world! As you can see, you’re teaching paid off. 

photo credit: Avard Woolaver via photopin cc

photo credit: Hauptillusionator via photopin cc